The hypodermic Syringe theory is a theory that talks about how the media injects us with ideas which we process and then copy it
Two step Flow Theory:
This theory suggests that when consuming media, information does not flow directly from the text into the minds of its audience , unmediated but is filtered through opinion leaders who then communicate it to their less active associates over whom they have influences.
Uses and Gratifications theory:
- Information- We want to find out about society and the world. We want to satisfy our curiosity.(News /Documentries)
- Personal Identity-We may watch television in order to look for models four our behaviour. (Eastenders).
- Integration and Social Interaction- We use the media in order to find out more about the circumstances of other people. (Football/Reality TV)
- Entertainment-Sometimes we simply use the media for enjoyment, relaxation or just to fill time. (Simpsons)
For more information about this you will need to come to the Uses And GRatifications theory page.
Down Below is the link to that page.
Denis McQuail is an audience theorist:
His theory reflects on the way and reasons why media is consumed by people.
Stuart Hall:
His theory suggest that peoples cultural backgrounds and experiences can determine the ways in which they interpret media products.
here is an extra link to someone eleses blog: