Collective Identity
Collective Identity: the individual 's sense of belonging to a group (Part of personal identity).Youth- British youth- Asian, white, Black
4 areas that will come up:
(1) How do the contemporary media represent nations, regions and ethnic/social/collective groups of people in different ways?
(2) How does contemporary representation compare to previous time periods?
(3) What are the social implications of different media representation of groups of people?
(4) To what extent is human identity increasingly "Mediated"?
I am currently looking at David Gauntlett and his theory of collective identity.
The quote from Gauntlett is that "Identity is complicated-Everybody thinks they've got one".
Whereas David buckingham states that "A focus on identity requires us to pay closer attention to the ways in which media and technologies are used in everyday life and their consequences for social groups".
Technology; Facebook
putting our identity on to the world wide web. E.g- Photos, status, profile page.
Representation:-the way reality is "mediated" or "re-presented" to us.
Collective Identity:The individual sense of belonging to a group(Part of personal Identity).
Collective Identity:The individual sense of belonging to a group(Part of personal Identity).
Well David buckingham also states that " The media do not Just offer us a transparent window on the world, but a mediated version of the world. they don't just present reality, they re-present it".From this i have gathered that the media create their version of the real world and gives us certain adjusted truths of the world rather than the actual truth.
"Media Texts do not simply appear from Nowhere".
Theorists for Collective identity:
Gultang And Ruge(!973):
They Put forward a system of 12 factors, which describe events that are combined which make a definition of "newsworthiness" which focuses on newspapers and make broadcast news. They say that negativity sells as this makes the headlines of the newspaper and the TV News.
They say that when any of the twelve factors are used then it describes events that are combined which make the headlines of the news which focuses on the different newspapers and the TV news. If a comment about youth is shown as positive then the news won't be worthy t make the top headlines and it won't sell which will make them incur losses.
Applying Theorist to
Representation of youth in British TV Drama:
The Inbetweeners (01/05/2008) on E4 by damon beesley who is the co-producer and writer.
The key characters/reference made:
the four of them are shown as their own person but they all have different qualities of being funny, reckless, immature, selfish, don't respect parents, and think only about themselves, lazy and this can be related to some teenagers today as we are like them in our own way.
Applying theorist to case study: Stuart Hall's theory can be applied to this case study of the Inbetweeners. this is evident in the clip "Field Trip" when the 4 of them are on the coach sitting at the back and then they are told by the school's bully to get out of his seat and move they go an sit somewhere else. they all go and sit separately like Neil sitting with the paedophile teacher, jay sitting with the other teacher, Simon sitting with a boy and Will sitting next to a pretty girl and this makes the other jealous of how did Will do that. This shows how the youths are presented as idiots In the eyes of the media due to their drinking and sex problems.
Top Boy:
Represenatation of youth in Film:
Representation of youth in Newspaper:
Daily Mail:
The youth are represented in the media as For example:The youth in top boy are shown as a gang of boys who are in friends and they are influenced by each other but deep down they care about their own family. But in order to protect hem they have bad means to gain money from anything.
Gultang And Ruge(!973):
They Put forward a system of 12 factors, which describe events that are combined which make a definition of "newsworthiness" which focuses on newspapers and make broadcast news. They say that negativity sells as this makes the headlines of the newspaper and the TV News.
They say that when any of the twelve factors are used then it describes events that are combined which make the headlines of the news which focuses on the different newspapers and the TV news. If a comment about youth is shown as positive then the news won't be worthy t make the top headlines and it won't sell which will make them incur losses.
Applying Theorist to
The youth are represented in the media, as delinquents are the newspapers portray them like that as the images and the text they have used are negative. So from this Gultang and ruge have said that until something negative comes into the eyes of the media then the media have no newsworthy information to show the world. For example the news have covered the summer riots from last year where it shows the student standing there kicking the glass of a building down and they have manipulated this certain image by showing the guy wearing a hoody and black clothes which connotes the impression that youths are violent and aggressive.from this i would say that the youth are portrayed quite negatively and because of these negative impressions the news on TV and Newspapers emphasise the manipulative side of representation they have of youth. Gultang and Ruge's theory actual is accurate because if you show the youth in a positive light then none will be influenced to buy the news that is sold to them.
There are many headlines in the news paper which are connoting the youth as destructive. down below are a list of headlines that were picked up from the summer riots 2011 where certain types of newspaper covered certain types of headlines demeaning the youth.
Representation of youth in British TV Drama:
The Inbetweeners (01/05/2008) on E4 by damon beesley who is the co-producer and writer.
Key summary of representation offered:
The youth are presented as irresponsible, immature, mature, confident, shy, and weird and this shows how the teenager boys go to school but they aren’t interested in studying but how to get girls.This shows how they like to drink underage, have sex, be stupid and over reactive when something bad happens and they can’t seem to solve the problems and end up in trouble. |
the four of them are shown as their own person but they all have different qualities of being funny, reckless, immature, selfish, don't respect parents, and think only about themselves, lazy and this can be related to some teenagers today as we are like them in our own way.
Applying theorist to case study: Stuart Hall's theory can be applied to this case study of the Inbetweeners. this is evident in the clip "Field Trip" when the 4 of them are on the coach sitting at the back and then they are told by the school's bully to get out of his seat and move they go an sit somewhere else. they all go and sit separately like Neil sitting with the paedophile teacher, jay sitting with the other teacher, Simon sitting with a boy and Will sitting next to a pretty girl and this makes the other jealous of how did Will do that. This shows how the youths are presented as idiots In the eyes of the media due to their drinking and sex problems.
Top Boy:
Represenatation of youth in Film:
Representation of youth in Newspaper:
Daily Mail: