Uses And Gratification Theory

The Theory emerged In the early 1970s  by Elihu Katz, Joy Blannler and michael qurevitch.  We all have different uses for the media and we make choices over what we watch.
We encounter a media texts, it is not just some kind of mindless entertainment-we are expecting to get something from it:some kind of gratification. The audience are active in this theory.

Also Denis McQuail is a uses and gratification theorist.  his thoery reflects on the way and reasons why media is consumed by people. The thoery explaines that different people reuqire certain types of media to fufill specific needs which they must gratify. This thoery can be said to have a user/audience centered approach.  Even For communioation people refer to the media for the topic they discuss with themselves. They gain more knowledge and that is knowledge which is gained by using media for reference. As you can see there are four stages of uses and gratifications which are all listed below with eplanation, example and analysis.
Integration and social interaction.
Football-  Manchester city vs Fulham
Group of boys tend to watch football matches in order to interact with each other as this is what they talk about where as girls tend to feel akward and end up taling about shows like jersey shore and also talk about their nails and plans to go shopping.

The criticism for this theory is that while boys can interact with each other when they watch football and girls tend to feel strange as they dont watch football so they end up talking about girl stuff. another crticism of this theory would be that not every media  text we encounter is expected to be spoken about to our friends as we dont always expect to get something out of watching football, music video and television programmes.

Personal Identity
For this section i have found out that we may watch television in order to look for models that have the same behavious as we do. for this people normally watch soaps like coronation street, eastenders, hollyoaks, jersey shore, etc. From this theory i would associate that most people watch eastenders, hollyoaks and jersey shore to look for role models that have the same behaviour that we tend to have.

For example i am going to relate one clip from eastenders which is about Afia having issues with her husband tamwar who cant trust her anymore .
In this clip it shows how afia is suffering from being away from tamwar and that some of us can relate to the clip from eastenders as some of us can place us selves in her shoes.  The clip suggest that she and tamwar have issues regarding who they really are and whether they can trust each other again like they did before.

For this part of the theory i have found out that certain people what certain programmes on television that makes them laugh and smile with excitement. For example like simpsons, Family guy, Friends, Malcum in the middle, music on youtube and music on TV shows and music on programmes .

People tend to watch simpson when they are flicking through a channel as it is a family tv show that makes the whole family laugh and enjoy as it is a comedy show. The purpose of the show is that it entertains certain people as it shows homer acting dumb, bart trying to be a smart pants and lisa being a know it all.

i have found out that most people like to listen to music to keep them motivated when they are feeling down. People tend to listen to music when they are relaxing at home or even revising or just for fun. i have found out that this part of the theory relates to david buckingham's theory where it states the genre is not simply given by the culture as it is a constant process of negotiation and change. where as this eplores the development of how we as individuals understand the concept of identity. Eg. we grow older show our understanding of identity become clear and complex when we have found out the true meaning of identity when it shows glimpses of the artist with tons of close ups to show their importance like it does with olly murs's music video dance with me tonight. This video focuses on him dating this girl and they get into trouble and get arrested and then it takes a flash back to when they were having loads of fun.

This video shows that people love to watch music videos for entertainment because  this shows that his identity is shown as a person who loves to date girls and him being a guy that follows the girl all the way so this shows uniqueness and if you see the other videos it revolves around violence video so this is the ever changing idenitity of other artist compared to him. if you see another video by a female artist like cher lloyd then it shows the video is about her and her success to it does appeal to certain people about the influence it has to entertainment for others.

Certain people are influence by tv adverts like cheryl cole promoting loreal products and other tend to buy this and like to use it however people are influenced by music and tv shows like the simpsons.

well people tend to watch the new on BBC or ITV which talks about the current affairs of the day that are happening around the world. It also allows us to come alert about certain issues that are going around you and you tend to talk to people about the same news. For example  people can watch the news via the website, TV or radio or get updates on thier phone. By doing this we satisfy our cuiosity to find out what is happening around us that we are unaware of.